International Yoga Day: Top five yoga apps

Roll out your mat and dive into the world of yoga.

Vidita Chandra | 20 Jun 2023 03:17 PM Share -

Did you know why the stressed-out pencil decided to do yoga? Because it needed to find some inner peace of paper and stretch its limits! Talk about a flexible pencil! Now, why should you do yoga? Because it keeps you grounded, both literally and metaphorically! What better time to kickstart your yoga journey than on International Yoga Day, which is just a few sun salutations away? So, to make your yoga journey a breeze, we've got the top five apps that'll turn you into a yogi or at least a yoga practitioner (to start with).

Jump to: Prayoga Asana Rebel FaceYogi - Face Yoga Exercise Headspace Calm


It takes full advantage of the advanced features of watchOS and iOS technologies to bring to you audio-guided asana practice right to your iPhone and Apple watch. But here's where Prayoga takes it up a notch. It uses machine learning and vision-based body tracking to monitor and analyse up to 17 joints in real time, providing you with feedback and guidance to improve your form during asana practice.

Asana Rebel

Get ready to rebel against your unhealthy life with Asana Rebel! No matter if you're aiming to shed some pounds or craving strength training, this app can help you. This app is about integration and alignment. Asana Rebel ensures they make sure their components fit seamlessly into your routine. They also guide and support you in achieving your desired level of fitness.

FaceYogi - Face Yoga Exercise

Why should the body have all the fun? The face asks! Thus, FaceYogi. It’s basically an individualised face exercise app that aims to enhance your facial appearance by providing customised face yoga courses. Through FaceYogi, you receive comprehensive recommendations for face exercise courses tailored to address specific facial skin concerns. It takes into account your specific facial skin concerns and creates a comprehensive 7-day face fitness program that’s (touted as) as unique as you are. FaceYogi's also got some cool features. There's the Facial Diary, where you can track your skin condition progress after each training session. And the app incorporates an incentive system that encourages daily practice and offers visual progress tracking. Unlocking achievements but for your face!


This app wants you to basically stress less, sleep soundly, and get happier. Headspace helps you make mindfulness a daily habit and be kind to that brilliant mind of yours. With this app, you'll learn the art of relaxation and stress management, find your focus, and release all that tension from both your mind and body. You'll get guided meditations, courses, and mindfulness exercises on subjects like stress, general anxiety, worry and building resilience. 

So go ahead, give Headspace a try, and let mindfulness become your superpower. Your mind will thank you for it!


Feeling all worked up after those intense exercise sessions? Calm! It's a ticket to restful sleep, meditation made easy, and relaxation on demand. Calm offers a bunch of features to help you unwind. We're talking about guided meditations, sleep stories, breathing programs, stretching exercises, and soothing tunes. And they've got over 100 exclusive stories designed for both adults and kids. Talk about Stephen Fry, Matthew McConaughey, Leona Lewis, and even Jerome Flynn lulling you into slumber with their soothing voices.

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