For starters, subscribers will be able to add up to four Telegram accounts, and also have larger bios with links and animated profile photos. Users opting for the premium tier will get double the limits that are imposed on standard users. So you get a maximum upload size of 4GB (up from 2GB), faster download speeds, ability to join 1,000 channels (up from 500), create 20 chat folders consisting of 200 chats each, save up to 10 sticker packs, and pin up to 10 chats.
Other premium features include access to a library of premium stickers with full-screen animations, text conversion of voice messages, and no sponsored messages in public channels. Additionally, these users will also be able to use some unique animated emojis to react to messages.
According to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov there are more exclusive features on the way, but that doesn’t mean they will stop building new features for free users. The messaging app has also announced that its user base has now grown to 700 million.