Lianne Dhalla | 6 Jan 2023 05:12 PM
In a world where everything in your house is smart (except your sibling), you need a place to organise all this intelligence easily.That’s where Samsung’s SmartThings station comes into the picture. The device serves as a hub that doubles as a button with a 15W Qi charger built in.
The SmartThings Station serves as a place to connect all your smart home devices and lets you efficiently control all of them remotely from your phone. You can additionally control it from the Station itself with the option of a single, double or long press enabling you to trigger various scenes and settings.
The hub supports the Matter protocol which is the go-to tech in the smart home industry. It has unified Samsung’s and Google’s ecosystems and even Apple has added Matter support to iOS 16.1 update. The Station is also integrated with the SmartThings Find network which helps the absent-minded keep track of all their various devices. It can easily detect whether your registered devices (phone, tablet, watch, earbuds and anything with a Galaxy SmartTag or SmartTag+) are home and when they leave/come back.
Lastly, the Station can charge any of your devices that supports Qi (up to 15W). So the functionality is endless. You can now essentially program your house to follow your unique commands, needs and gestures. The SmartThings Station is set to launch in early February 2023 in the US and South Korea and will be available in Black and White.