When travelling through galaxies and beyond in the Star Wars franchise, it’s not just the visuals, but also what we hear that has left a lasting impression. Very few will find it hard not to recognise the distinct hum of a lightsaber or the pew-pew of a blaster. Apple is now taking us behind the scenes, revealing how its Macs have played a part in bringing those iconic sounds to life.
‘Behind the Mac: Skywalker Sound’ is a short film by Apple that gives us a glimpse at the workings of Skywalker Sound. Lucasfilms’ highly decorated sound division operates out of the Skywalker Ranch, and its employees are seen using over 130 Mac Pro racks, 40 iMacs, 50 MacBook Pros, and 50 Mac mini computers running Pro Tools.
This division boasts of a sound library, called Soundminer, with over 7,00,000 recordings, and as per the video, many of the iconic sounds we associate with Star Wars have been recorded in nature. Since inspiration can strike anywhere and at any time, having a powerful MacBook Pro helps.