Well, Netflix isn’t the only one switching up its subscription strategy. Xbox die-hards, this is your two-week notice. Microsoft is increasing the price of its Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscriptions next month. It's like they thought, "Hey, you know what would make gaming even better? Making it more expensive!"
In India, the monthly subscription price for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will jump from ₹499 to ₹549. That's right, folks, you'll get the privilege of paying a whole fifty rupees extra for the same games you were already playing. And if you're a console gamer, prepare to fork out ₹379 instead of ₹349 for the Game Pass. There is no word on the Xbox Game Pass for PC price hike yet. Even so, the price hike is a global decision and there are many countries, including India, where the price is going up.
But fear not, our dear frugal friends! If you already have a yearly subscription, you can enjoy the current price until it's time to renew. Microsoft has displayed some kindness to the loyal effectively saying, "We'll let you finish your meal before we come around with the check!"
Microsoft is also taking a page from Sony's book and planning to raise the price of the Xbox Series X in most countries. So, if you're planning to buy the console, you may want to make a move sooner rather than later.
So, gamers of the world, get ready to shell out some extra cash for your gaming fix. Because remember, when it comes to gaming subscriptions, the price is always right (for the companies, at least).