₹ 14,990
Nishant Padhiar | 21 Jun 2022 11:42 AM
Every breath you take… is a breath of fresh air with the LG PuriCare, a device that gives Bane-like fortitude.
From the time I started coordinating with the LG team for the PuriCare to be shipped until the time I had actually received it, the COVID scenario in our nation has taken a U-turn. While we basked in the regale of the mask-free days, the uptick in positivity rate has suddenly brought about the urgency to bring out the masks again. Perfect timing to put a “wearable” air purifier to test then, just don’t poke me about its efficacy.
Like a typical home air purifier, the LG PuriCare does use HEPA filtration and a second layer of disposable filter. But how effective it is in preventing catching a virus is immeasurable. Treat it as a glorified face mask and understand the potential risks that come with an N95 mask too and you’re good.
Unlike any mask you’ve ever worn, the LG PuriCare is first and foremost a wearable filter, so it would be prudent to expect a bit of bulk. This second-generation design is more streamlined and lighter, but at 94g, it’s still many times heavier than the mask you’re used to having on your face all day.
Making up for all that weight is the plastic shell itself which now gets a speaker and mic setup in a feature called VoiceOn. It ensures that the silicon face guard doesn’t drown out your whispers and people around can still decipher you, although over your own breathing, it does have a Darth Vader-ish tone to it that could satiate any residual childhood fantasies you may be harbouring
Setting it up requires the insertion of two HEPA filters that go on either side of the mask. There is a fabric inner cover that LG provides in the box which needs to be replaced every couple of days (depending on use). Lastly, the face guard clamps on top of the inner cover via magnetic latch points and the PuriCare is ready to wear. There is a strap extender provided in the box in case the ear straps don’t keep the PuriCare in place or if you find it more comfortable.
LG has patented respiratory sensors built into the unit that regulates the fan speed depending on your breathing pattern. Via the LG Wearable app, you can even control the fan speed from Silent to Auto and even Turbo, but at its fastest setting in Turbo, the fan noise is distracting over any conversation you’re trying to have, exacerbated by heavy breathing. It does help on a particularly hot day, if you’re wearing it outdoors but the price to pay would be significantly reduced operation time. There is a slider control for the mic output too but the purpose is ill-defined, not making any audible difference on our test unit. What the app does indicate is the volume of air intake and filter replacement times, but it’s only an add-on and not a prerequisite to state using the LG PuriCare.
Moving up from a surgical mask to this, it’s almost like preparing for battle! Especially if you have to replace the HEPA13 filters, inner covers and wash the face guard. But, something this elaborate should have its upsides, right? Potentially, yes. But just like indoor air purifiers in our homes (or cars), you just have to take the app's word for it. Or keep the faith in tech.
Either way, the upsides of the LG PuriCare are that it allows you to breathe freely thanks to its dual inverter fans, so you never feel claustrophobic or constricted. Not for fresh air at least. On a muggy day in Mumbai, wearing it outdoors does get uncomfortable over extended periods of time due to the silicone face shield and plastic shell that blocks any sensation of breeze on your face. The upside is that if you’re spectacled or sport sunglasses often, the ventilation through the PuriCare prevents fogging up of the glasses. Unfortunately like every other mask, if you wear make-up, the PuriCare too will leave behind a trail of mess in its wake.
Inside an office or air-conditioned environment it works well without causing fatigue though. You will hear yourself breathe occasionally if the space around you is quiet but it’s not bothersome. LG has really put thought into the VoiceOn feature and the speaker allows you to be intelligible to the outside world, even if they aren’t Star Wars fans. The feature is activated by the only button on the unit, located at the bottom and within easy reach. The difference between VoiceOn on/off is stark but like all things bearing batteries, it will reduce operating time.
Charging takes about two hours and LG claims its 1,000mAh battery can last up to eight hours of continuous use but honestly, wearing it for that long even for the sake of science wasn’t a pleasant thought, so we urge you to either take LGs word for it, or simply take the plunge if you really find value in a device like this.
Not exactly an impulse buy at ₹15,000 (not counting replacement filter cost), the LG PuriCare only makes sense if your working environment is conducive for something that requires charging. Even its storage case is the size of a small handbag, so it’s not a mask you can fold and store in your pocket for a few moments of isolation.
This is what they say..a wearable air purifier. You could use it as an amped-up mask, but it won’t offer the same amount of portability. It does offer more functionality and peace of mind though. Take your pick.
Creating a bubble of fresh, unpolluted and germ-free air around your face comes at a price… your face!