You have a healthy list of playable characters. Some with unique class differences and each with special abilities. It’s very important to have a balanced team to increase your chance of winning. The main objective, however, is straightforward. Scurry around and loot resources like health, power-ups and weapons to help defend against the evil forces.
If you’ve played any battle royal in recent years, the looting feels similar, if not identical. You can find better-tier weapons by opening crates and searching houses. Energy drinks restore health, amulets offer protection and red bottles (we forgot what it’s called) power up skills like stamina, melee and so on for the duration of the game.
On the diabolic side, things are a bit comical. You float around the map collecting orbs to spend on deploying your demonic minions – skeletons and all. The Demons have a lot more to do than just HR management in this game. You can possess cars and deter survivors from taking the Uber comfort across the map.
You can set traps to scare survivors, and if the scare meter goes off the rails then you can possess a survivor for a short period of time and whack their pals senseless. It’s way too much fun messing around with the survivors in this game.
The main objectives stay the same across the two maps. The four survivors must gather three pieces of the maps, then gather an ancient weapon to defeat the forces of evil using it and then protect a book from hordes of enemies for a time period. Manage all of this and you’re a winner as a survivor. Fail to do so and the demon wins. Simple enough? It is and then it gets boring after a few hours of repeating the same process.