Every breath you take… is a breath of fresh air with the LG PuriCare, a device that gives Bane-like fortitude.
From the time I started coordinating with the LG team for the PuriCare to be shipped until the time I had actually received it, the COVID scenario in our nation has taken a U-turn. While we basked in the regale of the mask-free days, the uptick in positivity rate has suddenly brought about the urgency to bring out the masks again. Perfect timing to put a “wearable” air purifier to test then, just don’t poke me about its efficacy.
Like a typical home air purifier, the LG PuriCare does use HEPA filtration and a second layer of disposable filter. But how effective it is in preventing catching a virus is immeasurable. Treat it as a glorified face mask and understand the potential risks that come with an N95 mask too and you’re good.